How Virtual Office In Metaverse Is Transforming Businesses

· metaverse

We changed the way we worked when the pandemic meant that things had to be done at home. Even though Zoom meetings did the best they could most of the time, the work-from-home culture meant that coworkers had to give up some fun and interaction. But now that the metaverse exists, there are new opportunities. Now you can have offices in the metaverse, where you can clock in with your digital avatar and meet coworkers who might be wearing cooler clothes than they do in real life.

So, would you rather have an office in the metaverse or keep what you have now? With this article, I hope to help you figure out how to change how your company with Conference Room in the Metaverse handles work-from-home situations.

Why Is There A Buzz Around The Metaverse?

The metaverse is "an interconnected network of 3D virtual worlds made possible by technologies like VR, AR, and MR, as well as technologies like blockchain, AI, and IoT that help them work." With the help of a virtual reality headset, users can go into these worlds and move around with their eyes, feedback controls, or voice commands. Digital presence is when something, like a headset, makes you feel like you are really there. This is done by simulating what it would be like to be there in person.

The word "metaverse" has moved from the technology sections of newspapers to the dinner table, thanks to companies like Microsoft and Facebook. In a weird way, the pandemic showed us how powerful the metaverse can be by simulating real-life events to help people from different places connect.

A lot of companies have already started making services and platforms for the metaverse. Microsoft wants to connect, for example, its Mesh VR/AR platform with Teams. The company also hinted that "immersive spaces" might be added to the messaging app in the future. Meta at Facebook made Horizon Workrooms so that Oculus headsets could be used in meetings. But Protocol has said before that it's likely that companies we've never heard of will make the work metaverse.

Should you Think about Getting a Metaverse Virtual Office?

Let's look at some numbers to figure out how to answer this question.

  • Gartner says that by 2026, 25% of people will spend at least one hour a day in the metaverse for work, shopping, learning, social networking, and fun.
  • Glassdoor says that during the onboarding process, it's important to make a good first impression. Metaverse keeps workers for 82% longer and makes them 70% more productive. So it's clear that it offers more for the company's assets.
  • Extended reality (XR) is a way to create new settings, experiences, and social interactions by using technology to change our surroundings and the way we interact with each other. With the spread of covid, travel restrictions, and the need to get things done quickly, XR is becoming a powerful way to overcome "physical distance" and let people work together no matter where they are.
  • Employee training is easier with extended reality training because employees can get good training without having to be there in person. In the next two years, 58% of businesses will use XR, according to the World Economic Forum.

Data shows that metaverse development will soon be the most advanced technology. Also, the metaverse has everything that workers in the virtual world don't have today. Imagine a boardroom meeting where you can wear your best suit, sit across from your coworkers, and use a customizable avatar to communicate with gestures while you are still in your bedroom. That would be better than a simple video conference any day of the week.

Can Employees Work Better In The Metaverse Offices?

Many problems that come up when people work from home are solved by the metaverse and blockchain development services, making it a better place to work. As we've already said, virtual platforms are made for people to work from home, and their avatars give people a sense of being real. The avatars can move around the digital space and use the facilities as if they were in the office with their coworkers.

Making changes to how Video Conferences Work

Face-to-face interactions with avatars make sure that all employees are taking part. This also makes things like conferences, conventions, and summits easier to run. In the metaverse, you can leave the meeting room just like you would in a real office with your avatar. You can switch from one session to another even if there are no links between them. The avatars can go from one room to another and from one office to another. This makes signing up and logging in easier.

You can build any number of Custom Rooms you want

You can also make your own rooms for fun and other activities, which is an interesting feature. Here, users can look at exhibitions, posters, or articles or talk with other users, just like they would during a break at the office. This makes working from home a lot less boring. This feature also makes it easier for employees to talk with each other. This makes people talk to each other more and makes sure that fewer people are alone in the company.

Employees can Design their own Offices to fit their needs

One of the coolest things about having property in the metaverse is that you can change it. This can also help you figure out where to put your office in the metaverse. People can make their own offices and spaces on the metaverse platform and work digitally in a way that works for them. Users can also make their own rooms where they can take a break or talk to other users to get away from work pressure, stress, and the monotony of working remotely. You might wonder why you need a creative workspace. We need to remember that the environment of an employee has a big impact on how well they work and how creative they are. It also makes a big difference in how much they can give.

Hold Meetings and Events

In the Metaverse, you can do more than just work in an office. For example, the metaverse platform Gather has hosted everything from birthday parties and college reunions to big events like the Forbes 30 Under 30 conferences. The 2021 AfroTech conference was run by Virbela. Teamflow is a company that works in the metaverse. Along with keeping the best place to work, they also put on virtual events. The point is that almost everything about the metaverse is related to work. No matter how big or small an event is, it can be held with less time spent planning and less money spent on the physical infrastructure. If everyone can come from their own homes, the event could have 100% attendance.

Less Transport Costs

Last but not least, yes, the biggest reason we couldn't go to work was the pandemic. There may be other things, like the rising cost of transportation, that make it hard for people to get to work. The metaverse is a good, trendy, and more game-like solution for these kinds of problems. Metaverse makes sure that its employees don't just eat, sleep, Zoom, and eat again.

In the metaverse, this is how a Korean PropTech company called Zigbang opened a 30-story VR office called Metapolis. Like in real life, employees with digital avatars use elevators and hallways to get to their desks. The arrow keys on the keyboard are used to move. People can also use the webcam and microphone on their avatars to talk.

In Conclusion

Even though the metaverse is just getting started, it is already making a lot of things possible. Metaverse offices could make it easier and more productive for people to work from home. The metaverse tools can be used by everyone in the company, from management to the HR department, to make work more fun and more productive. Even though there are problems with all new technologies, it is clear that the metaverse has something to offer. Big tech companies wouldn't have spent millions on it if it didn't work. Metaverse is a real advantage that you can use right now to open up a whole new world of opportunities and possibilities.