Find Everything You Need To Know About Crypto Tokens

· cryptocurrency

A distinctive type of virtual currency is a crypto token. Tokens and cryptocurrency coins differ primarily in two ways: 1. The token works on a common blockchain, whereas the currency has its own blockchain. 2. Tokens don't have any monetary worth, whereas cryptocurrency coins do. There are two types of tokens: fungible (interchangeable with other tokens of the same type) and non-fungible (non-interchangeable).

The usage of crypto tokens in fundraising initiatives is common. Through the ICO or IEO procedure, they are produced, sold, and traded. Tokens can generally be used to make transactions, invest, or store value. In recent months, the development of tokens has grown in popularity, especially since some nations loosened their laws on cryptocurrencies.

Rewards points, online tickets, video game characters, skins, and weapons, lottery tickets, financial assets and shares, fiat currencies, and more can all be represented by tokens.

Here are various kinds of Crypto Tokens available

Security Tokens

Security tokens are digital assets that guarantee ownership rights and validate them. For assets with value, like real estate or automobiles, they serve as the channel for value transfer. Security tokens are issued on a blockchain with or without permissions, and they are exclusive. A stake in an external asset or business is represented by a security token. Security tokens, which have the same function as stocks, bonds, and other forms of equity, can be issued by organizations like governments and companies. The advantages of the blockchain platform it is issued on, such as transparency, quick settlement, no downtime, and divisibility, are enjoyed by this token type. Security tokens are exchanged on cryptocurrency exchanges or through peer-to-peer transactions, are managed by smart contracts, and may be swiftly transmitted to blockchain addresses.

The ST-20 (Polymath) and ERC-1400 (Ethereum) token standards are used to produce security tokens.

Security tokens types:

  • Bill tokens
  • Capital tokens
  • Tokenized real assets

Utility Tokens

During crowdsales, utility tokens are handed out; they typically stand in for user tokens or app currency. Utility tokens are essentially digital tickets or coupons that may be redeemed at a later time to gain access to a business's goods or services. It is a method of access to a certain value, to be more precise. These utility tokens can be bought using a variety of cryptocurrencies, as well as with fiat money. The tokens are purchased by the project's interested party for a specific sum of money, and they are then allotted to them.

Utilizing ERC-20 (Fungible Tokens) and BEP-20, utility tokens are produced (Binance Smart Chain).

Governance Tokens

The voting authority on a blockchain project is represented by governance tokens, which are digital money. Since they may distribute voting rights and authority to people while remaining decentralized, these currencies are mostly used in DeFi projects. There isn't any mining going on here, and the investors are the only ones who can make decisions. Excellent advantages that governance tokens offer include complete decentralization, potential for collaboration, community involvement, and rapid development.

Non-Fungible Tokens

Non-fungible tokens, also known as NFTs, are special digital assets that serve as ownership proof and hold onto ownership rights. Numerous other real-world commodities, like as pieces of art, video game collectibles, VIP passes, music, and real estate deeds, can be transformed into NFTs. They don't have any comparable analogues, and every NFT has at least one unique quality. They are not interchangeable and cannot be applied to business dealings. Since these currencies are blockchain-based, content producers and artists can interact directly with customers and collectors.


The value of stablecoins is based on a fiat currency (such as the US dollar) or an asset (like gold). They are described as being straightforward, reliable, scalable, and secure. They also offer advantages like immutability, security, speedy transactions, affordable fees, and privacy without undermining the reliability and stability of using fiat currency. The most common protocols for creating stablecoins are ERC-20 or ERC-223. Stablecoins, in contrast to cryptocurrencies, are anchored to assets with values such as commodities, digital assets, fiat money, and seigniorage. For instance, the MakerDAO is the backer of the DAI stablecoin, whereas the USDT stablecoin is backed by the US dollar.

Where do tokens get used?

Initial Coin Offering

The most common approach for entrepreneurs to raise money for their blockchain or cryptocurrency ventures is the initial coin offering (ICO). When an ICO is introduced, potential investors can take part in the offering and contribute funds if they believe the enterprise is legitimate. For their donations, each investor will earn cryptocurrency tokens. In most cases, the tokens are useful when using the company's goods or services, and occasionally they serve as a proxy for ownership in the business. Once the tokens are listed on the exchanges, they may also be purchased and sold using cryptocurrencies.

Initial Exchange Offering

An exchange for cryptocurrencies hosts initial exchange offerings. Crypto exchange development manages an IEO on behalf of the firm looking to raise money using its recently released tokens. Token issuers must pay a listing fee and a share of the tokens sold during the IEO as the token sale is carried out on the exchange's platform. In exchange, the platforms of the exchanges provide the cryptocurrency firms' tokens for sale, and after the IEO is over, their coins are listed.

Security Token Offering

Public offerings include security token offerings. Through cryptocurrency exchanges or security token markets, buyers and investors can purchase security tokens (sometimes referred to as tokenized digital securities). STOs were introduced primarily to address the supervision gap and apply regulation to blockchain-based crowdfunding campaigns. Buyers and investors are given the assurance that the tokens they get in return for their investments in STOs are backed by real assets.

Standard Token Formats

About ERC-20

ERC-20 Tokens are assets built on the blockchain that may be sent and received and have a value. The main distinction is that ERC-20 tokens are created on the Ethereum network rather than on their own blockchain.

About ERC-721

The ERC-721 standard outlines how to create non-fungible or unique tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. It is a free and open standard. ERC-721 tokens are unique, in contrast to most tokens, which are fungible (each token is identical to each other). Imagine them as rare, unique collectibles.

About BEP-20

Similar to ERC-20, the BEP-20 Binance Smart Chain token assures the tokens' fundamental functioning, including transfer, balance return, examining token ownership, etc. In other words, BEP-20 is a detailed description of how a token is used, including who used it, where it was used, and how much. Therefore, when a corporation wishes to develop utility tokens, the BEP-20 token standard is typically preferred.

Things to keep in mind while creating Tokens

Define the purpose

When creating a token, it is important to explain why it exists, including its intended application, target audience, and problem(s) it will help to solve.

Legal implications

Verify that "crypto" is permitted in your nation (or where you are developing). To make sure that what you are doing is lawful, seek legal advice.


Spend a few thousand dollars on a skilled team of crypto analysts as a start-up investment.


The team you have on your side will determine how successful your token is. Select a team that has experience in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industries.

Technical Overview of the Creation of Crypto Tokens


Choosing a reliable consensus mechanism with the required protocols to verify the transactions and add them to the block is the first step in the consensus process.


The most well-known blockchain platforms are Ethereum, Hyperledger, and IOTA. The preferred consensus mechanism determines the top blockchain platform.


After choosing the blockchain's functionality, design the nodes.


Set the internal architecture, taking into account the format, operations, features, and other crucial choices.


You can collaborate with a third-party API provider or offer pre-built APIs.


Your interface needs to be excellent! Ensure that the databases, server architecture, and web are all current.


Your cryptocurrency should adhere to national and international laws governing cryptocurrencies.

Bottom Line

Tokenization is essentially possible for any conventional real-world asset.

On the Ethereum blockchain, there are already commodities like gold and currencies like the US dollar. To give their fans digital proofs of ownership, musicians and artists have tokenized their creations as well. Even in some countries around the world, there have been attempts to tokenize distinct types of real estate.

When considering real-world objects that could be tokenized, use your creativity to the fullest. Everything is currently being tokenized, including electricity and real estate. Many different real-world objects are being tokenized by clever firms and people. Imagine a society where exchanging electricity is as easy as sending a text message. or in which you can own a portion of each home on your block. Through an Initial Song Offering, you will be able to purchase a share of the brand-new songs from your favorite artists in tokenized economies. As a tokenized community of communal ownership, we are moving forward.